
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

How many more times must we sit back and watch another Black man/woman be murdered in cold blood? How many more families will be torn apart? How many more protests? How many more…?

As an Asian living in America, I’ve realized that we have our own privilege, I will NEVER know what it’s like to be a Black individual. You know what I’ve also realized? Racism towards Black people in the Asian community. It’s disgusting to me that Asian people literally do everything to be the perfect minority group by adapting to every aspect of the Western culture including systemic racism against the Black community, even though Black people have stood with the Asian community. Hell, the whole world has seen the Asian cop just standing and watching his own partner, the White cop, kneel on the neck of George Floyd to the point of murder. That shit hurts my soul as I wished he would have done something as a fellow POC. To my Asian brothers and sisters, talk to your racist relatives, speak up about it, and EDUCATE them. The Asian community must know that we are here legally because of the Civil Rights Movement and the Civil Rights Act. In March of 1978, Black Civil Rights leaders came together and paid for a full page ad in the NY Times to issue a statement of support for refugees from Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia to be allowed in America.

It’s wild how the Civil Rights Movements was only in the 60’s, not so long ago. As a kid learning from the history textbook, you would think “wow so much has changed now”, then you grow up and realize that not a damn thing has changed. There are folks out there whose grandparents are still alive when slavery and segregation were legal in this country.

On June 4, 1967, professional Black athletes including notable names: Bill Russell (age 86 years), Muhammad Ali (1942-2016), Jim Brown (age 84 years), Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (age 73 years), and others gathered to help fighting the ongoing injustice and lending their support to other leaders, this was known as the ‘Cleveland Summit’.

Stars at the Muhammad Ali summit: Where are they now? -

53 years later, these men still have to fight the battle, it’s a shame.

Athletes have been using their platform to express solidarity since way back, politics have always been in sports. So for Laura Ingraham to tell LeBron James, who is no brainer one of the greatest and most influential athletes of all time to ‘Shut Up And Dribble’ is absolute BLASPHEMY!! (word to Stephen A. Smith)

These past couple days, I’ve been seeing Kyrie Irving and several NBA players talking about possibly cancelling the rest of this season because it would be a distraction to the Black Lives Matter movement. Now I’m in no position to tell these guys what to do and what not to say, here’s my 2 cents: I think that returning to play would give players a bigger platform and allow them to be able to have louder voices as a result? But then again in 2014, NBA players joined together in protesting the death of Eric Garner at NYPD hands by wearing black shirts printed with the Garner’s last words… “I Can’t Breathe.”

NBA-players-wearing-I-cant-breathe-shirts - The Ball Hog - Know ...

That didn’t work, because history repeated itself 6 years later with George Floyd, we all know what happened. So I understand the other perspective as well, much respect to Kyrie Irving and other players for standing up for something bigger than basketball.

For those who are tired of hearing and seeing about the issue, imagine being the ones who experience racism on a regular basis. See why didn’t anyone have a problem with heavily armed White people protesting at the Michigan’s state capitol to be ‘served’. But all of the sudden, when Black people protesting to be ‘heard’, it’s a big deal? Looting? Violence? I mean what did y’all expect? I don’t condone it, but this is so many years of frustration and anger that is uncontrollable. I wish peaceful protests worked, but people have shown a willingness to ignore them. Colin Kaepernick peacefully protested for years and look where it got him. “Get that son of a bitch off the field. He’s fired!” – Dickstain Donald Trump (what’s up Michael Rapaport!)

Yeah I called him that. Matter of fact, I got ‘FDT’ by YG and Nipsey Hussle on repeat as I’m writing this. I came across this one picture on the internet the other day, so I’m just going to leave this here.

Racism has always been there. Just when it feels like we make 2 steps forward, then it’s 5 steps back when you have a ‘president’ who normalizes racism, a green light for racist pricks to come out openly and confidently. This clown had the nerve call Mexican immigrants “rapists” who are “bringing crime and drugs” to the U.S. Now I’m 100% Vietnamese, but I’m hurt and offended by that, you know why? My girlfriend and her family are Mexican, let me tell you, they are the most kindhearted and hardest working people I’ve ever met. Some of my close friends are Mexican, and I never had a dull moment with those dudes. Also this is not to talk down on homeless people, but have you ever seen a Mexican/Hispanic immigrant holding a sign begging for money? NEVER! Rather you see them asking for work, or selling corn/fruits/flowers on the corner, they hustle for theirs. So Trump and his supporters can all… I can’t find an appropriate thing to say so I’ll leave it as that.

Last thing, thousands of immigrant children who were separated from their parents are being kept in tiny cages by ICE, and suddenly “going missing”. There also have been MANY reports of sexual abuse by ICE agents. ICE is literally gassing and killing immigrants at their detention centers. This inhumane treatment needs to be stopped, ICE needs to be abolished!

Bottom line, treat everyone as equal regardless of their colors. Don’t be a racist, simple as that.

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